If you are in charge of your marketing, or if you wish you had time to be more in charge of your marketing, you could check out this list of marketing tools for 2008! It’s not too late to start employing them into your marketing strategy. (if you are in the latter category, maybe you should consider utilizing the services of someone who can coach you, train you and equip you so you can actually implement these tools!)*Based on the series I’ve been writing this past week on business blogging, you’ll never guess which one is top ranked!!
An arsenal of marketing tools for your small business, church, etc…
by Marketing Twins-Randy | Mar 6, 2008 | Marketing Coaching, Marketing Tool, z1429 | 1 comment
Blogging is so easy to do … more and more small business owners, church pastors and ministers and non-profit leaders should be utilizing this as a way to reach more people!!
Keep the articles like this coming Randy – it’s great marketing information for everyone to use. It’s all apart of their marketing strategy and creative plan to grow their organization.