Djimon Hounsou

Djimon Hounsou has starred in a number of great movies over the past 10 years, most recently starring in Blood Diamond. I was first introduced to this actor in the 1997 Spielberg movie, “Amistad“. I am also intrigued by Djimon because he was born in Cotonou, BENIN . . . and I spent the past decade living and working among the Aja people group in southwestern Benin! We’d spend several days of each month in the common capital of Benin which is Cotonou. So I’ve always been interested in this actor who was born in Benin, even though after the age of 13, he spent his years in France where he was “discovered.”So in the past Sunday’s paper, in the PARADE magazine insert, Djimon is featured talking about a number of his movies. When talking about Amistad, the interviewer notes that although the movie was hyped to hilt as any Spielberg movie normally is (including a big feature on Oprah), the enthralling movie didn’t break any ac records. In response, Djimon gives us our marketing idea for the day:

I think it was more a matter of timing and of marketing. When the studio re-released it in 1998 around the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr., it did very well.”

So do you have that great idea that once bombed or never quite took off like you dreamed? Try again. Repurpose the idea. Repackage it. Make your product “remarketable.”

If it’s truly remarkable, it is also remarketable!

– Choose an upcoming holiday to relaunch it.

– Sell it under a new name.

– Re-release it to a new target market.

– Update it and market it as “new and improved” (with integrity, please!)

– Find a new strategic partner with which to package it.


If it’s remarkable, it’s remarketable!



Here’s another good related article.