State Farm

Seems a good neighbor of our own gets featured in a new State Farm ad for March Madness! See Dallas Morning News article . . .

Great job Julie!

Julie Elsey’s a local State Farm agent who never imagined she’d be on a national TV spot. A total surprise to her when she got the call from DDB Chicago.

So who among us will be the next BIG STAR of a March Madness TV commercial?

Better yet . . .

Who among us will create a marketing buzz totally unexpected, surprising your competition?

Could it be you?!!

At 1429, we consider the Duct Tape Marketing system to be just the marketing approach that will help you do just this!! As an authorized DTM coach, I can help you IMPLEMENT what others only dream . . . or brainstorm about!


NOTE:  In order to keep up with the growth of the popular Duct Tape Marketing system, creator and founder John Jantsch announces a bold expansion initiative to better meet the growing demand in the small business market.