
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Monday, August 18th, Noon (CST)
The Marketing Twins are offering a FREE marketing coaching program, sponsored by Duct Tape Marketing, Monday, August 18th, Noon (CDT). Randy is Fort Worth’s only Duct Tape Marketing Authorized Coach. This FREE conference call is an interview between John Jantsch, founder of Duct Tape Marketing and Stephen M.R. Covey, the son of Dr. Stephen R. Covey, the author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Covey is the author of The Speed of Trust. Covey will speak on the importance of leadership, trust and authenticity between you and your customers.

We will be sending out another announcement as the date gets closer on how to register but go ahead and mark your calendars now to reserve the time in your busy day.

If you missed it, learn more about doing GREATER THINGS by linking over to our latest blog posts on how small businesses can be involved in charitable giving. (PART I and PART II)

Did you miss the article about the politician who let’s his supporters make their own campaign signs, giving them the opportunity to tell the world why they are voting for him? There’s application for small business. Are we willing to let other people be our advocates – do we trust them enough to speak on our behalf? Gone are the days of tightly controlled messages. In the open source world of the internet, we must embrace the idea that the world is already talking – but are they talking about you?

Want to do GREATER THINGS today? Help an orphanage in Africa by August 15th!