I really am intrigued by the following article – why we as humans (and consumers) are intrigued by negative headlines – but not only intrigued, but they cause us to stop, look and listen!  When you are attempting a postcard headline, an email subject line or a Facebook status update or tweet, you only have a few seconds for your customer or prospect to take notice . . . so the logic is to go negative?  Read full article here  . . .

Interested in your reaction – please click the “like” button at the bottom of this post and leave your comment on Facebook (I encourage comments, but trying to get them on FB and not on here where fewer people can see them).

Here’s a couple of additional posts that might improve your headline writing and keep you from being ignored!

Copyblogger, Brian Clark How to Write Headlines That Work

David Meerman Scott Do Not Read this Blog Post

Randy Vaughn, Duct Tape Marketing ConsultantHeadlines:  Try Some B-R-A-I-D-S When Marketing Your Message (just don’t do your hair like that horse – check out that pic!)