You will not resonate if you are bland.

One of the most overlooked principles by organizations is to forget that you must target your marketing and communication messages. If you are a small business, your messages will likely sound very drab and generic if they are not targeted at some specific segment. For you non-profits, the message resonates much better when the audience actually believes you are talking to them!

Some quick principles:

  1. Work on using demographics to understand your target market.
  2. Develop core messages that resonate with the needs of this market.  Speak their language.
  3. Identify areas where you can provide a strong solution to their needs.  Don’t just develop a product.  Become the solution they can trust.
  4. Set your price – if your identified segment won’t invest, decide if this target market is really your ideal client!

If you get off track, refocus and keep aiming.

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